IES Carlos III

The center began its journey in the course 1999/2000 as a section of the IES Aguadulce, grouping the compulsory secondary sections that during the 1996/1999 courses were in CEIP Arco Iris, CEIP Blas Infante, CEIP Trinidad Martínez and CEIP Francisco Sáiz Sanz.

In the school year 2000/2001 it began its functioning as an independent center with the provisional name of IES Aguadulce no 2 being its first director D. Virgilio Valdivia Hurtado. To the next course the center adopted its current name IES CARLOS III with center code 04700673.

In the course of 2003 /2004, an ICT Management Project was launched both administrative and educational.

In the 2007/08 course, the bilingual education project was approved in the English modality.