Discover the authentic Asturian essence in Macarena Winery!

We invite you to immerse yourself in a feast of unique and traditional flavors that will delight your senses.

Our passion for Asturian products is incomparable. From meats with D.O. asturianas made from slow fire and cheeses of denomination of origin to the delicious bread of escanda flour from Asturias, in Sidrería Macarena you will find an exceptional selection that will transport you directly to the majestic Asturian lands.

Would you like to try the famous cachopo or delight yourself with an authentic asturian fabada? You're in the right place! Our typical dishes of the earth, prepared with dedication and slow fire following traditional recipes, are the result of years of experience and love for Asturian gastronomy.

In Sidrería Vinoteca Macarena, quality and authenticity are our best guarantee. Each bite will transport you to the mountains, valleys and coasts of Asturias, where tradition and taste merge exceptionally.

Wash your dishes with our careful D.O.P. cider from Asturias, which will perfectly complement each flavor and provide you with a complete gastronomic experience.

We also have asturian craft beers.

Come and enjoy a unique experience in Sidrería Vinoteca Macarena.

Be seduced by the landscape cuisine, aromas, flavors and the Asturian tradition in every corner of our cozy establishment.

Don't miss it!